Prickly Pears Blog

It is incredible, time went by fast! It is almost the ending of the school year 2023-20...

During this week, the Prickly Pears children learned about butterflies, flowers and how...

Title: Wring Cursive Letters Description: James is practicing his cursive writing utili...

“If we are among the men of good will who yearn for peace, we must lay the founda...

  (Above) Title: Mystery Number Box Description: Victoria is working with the M...

  Title: Moveable Alphabet Description: Salma is labeling picture cards utilizi...

The Prickly Pears children continued enjoying the nice weather in the outdoor environme...

Prickly Pears - October Update

September 29, 2023

What a fabulous week in the Prickly Pears classroom! Since the weather was nice during ...

 Title: Embroidery Description: Kamila is working with needle and thread practicin...