Programs & Admissions Blog

The Timeline of Life

April 29, 2024

Nothing quite captures the imagination of elementary-aged children more than the Timeli...

The Power of Plants

April 23, 2024

In Montessori, we want to ensure that children are immersed in the wonders of the natur...

Let's Go Outside!

April 15, 2024

Our world–and as a result our children’s world–is increasingly domina...

As parents, we want to nurture our young children's growth and independence. Becaus...

In Montessori education, we have a subtle art for connecting children to new concepts, ...

The scene may feel familiar. We sit down for a family dinner. Our youngest starts tappi...

In Montessori, we emphasize two words on a pretty regular basis: grace and courtesy. Bu...

We Can Serve as Guides

February 25, 2024

As adults, we often step into particular kinds of roles with children. We can be parent...

The Capstone Years

February 5, 2024

There are key times in children’s lives when they can consolidate emerging parts ...

Our children’s early years are essential for developing strong language skills. S...

In Montessori, we focus on supporting children’s intellectual, emotional, social,...

It is easy to focus on the academic benefits of Montessori education. In fact, an ...

Think of a time when you did an activity because you wanted to do it–maybe weedin...

Our children really thrive when home and school environments work cooperatively, commun...

Our Gifts To Children

November 28, 2023

The brain of a young child works differently than the brain of an adult. Sensorial expe...

The Stereognostic Sense

November 20, 2023

In Montessori toddler and primary classrooms, we offer specially designed materials to ...

The Origins of Language

November 14, 2023

Dr. Maria Montessori felt that in order to support children’s development of lang...

So often, when we get really upset with our children, the first thing we want to do is ...

How Does Your Garden Grow?

October 30, 2023

  As we find ourselves heading into better weather, many of us shift our though...

Young children are constantly absorbing information about the world around them! Some o...

Captivating Chemistry

October 16, 2023

In Montessori classrooms, elementary students are able to study every fascinating thing...

Hopefully, we have all been hearing and sharing more Land Acknowledgements, which recog...

The Power of Three

October 2, 2023

In Montessori, the number three shows up a lot! We have the three-hour work cycle, thre...

The Absorbent Mind

September 25, 2023

Unlike other species that are born with a predetermined set of behaviors, human babies ...

When we pick up our children from school, it can be so tempting to ask, “How was ...