Half/Full Day - between 8:15 am & 8:30 am
Extended Care - between 7:30 am & 8:30 am
Please make every effort possible to have your child arrive at school on time. If a child is dropped off late, it is a disruption to the entire class. A quick goodbye seems to work the best for everyone. If it is a particularly tough drop off, feel free to call the office to check on your child. Please remember to allow your children to walk on their own. We ask that parents of toddlers in the Agaves classroom not open the classroom door. Please wait for a staff member to open the door and greet you.
Half Day - 11:45 am
Full Day - 3:00 pm
All Day - By 5:30 pm
Arrivals - School Day Students: between 8:00 am & 8:15 am.
Please enter the carline and move forward as the line advances. Students will use the sidewalk to walk around the building and enter the courtyard through the gate nearest the music room. Staff members will be present to assist students. If you have children in both Elementary or Adolescent and Toddler/Children’s House, please drop off your Elementary or Adolescent student through carline, park your vehicle, and then escort your Toddler or Children’s House student to their classroom.
Tardy Arrivals:
Students arriving after 8:15am will be considered tardy. If you arrive to school late, you MUST park, walk your child to the front door, and sign them in for the day. All students must be signed in if they are tardy.
Dismissal - School Day Students: between 2:40 – 3:00 pm.
Each family will receive a name placard to display on the sun visor on the passenger side of their car. Staff will be present to ensure the safety of the students. For safety and traffic considerations, please do NOT begin lining up until 2:40 pm.
Arrival and Dismissal - Extended Care Students: Extended Care hours are from 7:30 am – 8:00 am and 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm.
If your child is NOT in Extended Care, they may NOT be on campus until 8:00 am. All Elementary Extended Care students MUST be signed in and out every day by an adult 18 years or older, as required by Arizona Department of Health Services.