Prickly Pears - April Update

During this week, the Prickly Pears children learned about butterflies, flowers and how they interact with each other. We read the book “I Wonder Where Butterflies go in the Winter” and “From Caterpillar to Butterfly” and talked about the butterfly’s four life stages: the egg, the larva (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis), and the adult butterfly. The children also learned different names of flowers in English and Spanish such as “rosa” (rose), “lavanda” (lavender), “iris” (iris), “clavel” (carnation), orquídea” (orchid), “girasol” (sunflower), “marigold” (cempasúchil), “daisy” (margarita), etc. This week, the Prickly Pears children also started working at the outdoor environment enjoying the transition into spring. It is always great to witness how the children collaborate and enjoy embellishing their Prickly Pears outdoor environment. Please save the date for our next get together as a community! Thursday, April 4th at 5:30 pm at Desert Foothills Park we will be gathering to enjoy together our Prickly Pears’ Potluck. Please sign up to join us next week! It will be amazing! Our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support! Have a lovely weekend!