AZ Eagles - September Update

Greetings AZ Eagles Families!

We can’t believe it’s almost September already! This past month has flown by in the Eagles’ classroom (pun intended), and we’ve been having a blast. In the classroom, the kids have been working hard, studying ancient civilizations for their first cycle of Humanities (specifically Ancient China, Egypt, and Maya), and have already almost completed their first cycle of Occupations - Aviation, Zoology, and Economics. They have already started composing their first major writing assignment of the year, a fictional narrative, and have also finished two books in their Seminar groups - The Little Prince (7th years) and Into the Wild (8th). Our office hours will begin this upcoming Wednesday, September 6th, from 3 - 4:30 PM, and will continue every Wednesday throughout the year to offer the adolescents a quiet work space or extra help. Students are already moving into chapter two in Math, and chapter three in Science. Their committee work is also underway, and they have been working hard on various projects related to the committees they are involved in. Speaking of committees, we had a great time on our trip to Camp Friendly Pines, and we hope you all enjoyed the photos shared on behalf of the Yearbook committee. Overall, we are off to a great start!